Kyrie And Lebron Are In Death Match For Biggest Asshole on the Planet

Another day and two more videos from the 2 biggest assholes on the planet.   First we have Kyrie walking into the Celtics game bitching and morning about how much he can’t wait to not be on camera anymore when he retires and Lebron going 1 step further actually trying to break all the cameras filming him.I swear these two douchebags were actually meant for each other after all.  And you know what is crazy?   I may actually hate kyrie more than Lebron right now.  Like at least I can take solace in the fact Bron Bron is ruining the Lakers.    I can laugh at what a shit show he has turned them into.  I can laugh at him destroying his own legacy.  I can relish in the face the rest of the world is finally coming to realize what I’ve forever.  That Lebron James is one of the greatest assholes who has ever lived.

But this Kyrie shit is happening right in my back yard.   It’s right in my face.  I don’t care how good he is I’m convinced he is ruining the Celts.  I’m convinced everybody hates him and doesn’t want to play with his ass.  It’s Bron Bron 2.0.   Like every time this clown opens his mouth he’s bitching about something.   Oh you don’t like the cameras on you when you walk into the arena?  Oh that’s so tough!  I mean they do this literally for every game with every player, but  Poor Kyrie!    DUDE SHUT UP!   If your life is so tough making millions upon millions of dollars playing basketball than quit and get a normal 9-5.   Until then shut your fucking mouth for 2 seconds.  Honestly I don’t even know what this guy is complaining about anymore half the time.  He’s the most miserable self loathing prick who ever lived.  How can anybody want to root for a guy like this?  He makes it seem like he’s doing us a favor playing basketball.   It’s infuriating.   And then the Celts go out and get blown out by 20 every night.    Get this clown out of here!

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